Friday, October 21, 2011

DIY Halloween Wreath

Lets just start of by saying, I still can not find my camera cord and I think im gonna cry! I have a billion pictures I wanna post!! grrr...

However, I have to post this ASAP since Halloween is just around the corner. Please excuse the pictures since a few are from my phone and the quality is bad awful. Also, im missing a few steps since they are not all on my computer, but you will get the main idea.

Now the original plan was to have the letters hanging in the middle, but that never happened so I just hot glued them on :D

Supplies: wreath, ribbon & any embellishments you may want. In my case this included wooden letters, spray paint and hot glue.

Step 1: cut the ribbon to your desired length
Step 2:
Start tying ribbon around your wreath. It helps if you make a pattern first. I didn't want a specific patter and was randomly placing ribbon. Then I was a little over half done and noticed an accidental pattern I actually loved. So I had to take nearly all the ribbon off and start over.

Step 3:
Add your embellishments
Again, sorry for the crap quality!

Im really happy at how it turned out! especially since im new to the whole crafting business!


  1. Very cute!


  2. I like it! I usually use yarn but I like the idea of ribbon. :)
