Friday, October 26, 2012

My First Friday Letters


 A lot of blogs I follow do these Friday letters. I thought today I would do my first ever Friday Letters. :D

Dear space heater, thank you for keeping me warm and cozy since my furnace is having issues.

Dear mom, thanks for letting little man spend the night since our house is just way to cold with no heat. your the best. 

Dear Hubby, thanks for being awesome and giving me some heating pads since im freezing. Also, thanks for letting me talk you into the crazy sell at the Disney Store to get Hudson some Christmas presents. 

Dear Work, oddly..thank you for "consolidating" and laying me off. As upset as I was when I first found out, and sad that I will miss all my amazing co workers, I am excited to try something new. This is the kick in the butt I needed.

Dear Pumpkin Pie, oh how I have missed you. Please stick around for a little while. 

Dear Moon, thanks for shining bright in the sky and making my little one so excited. "momma DA MOON! DA MOOOOOON!" 

Dear Hudson, Never grow up baby boy. Enjoy life and smile a lot and love your momma!

Dear Taylor Swift, I love you...I really do. But when 'Never Grow Up' comes on on shuffle I bawl my eyes out every. single. time. 

Dear Blogger Peeps, thanks for existing. No really. I know we will probably never meet in real life, but I feel a special connection with ya'll. I feel like I know so much about your lives, but with out being a creepy stalker. Its awesome. A few of my friends just don't get "blog land" but you all do and no ones judges ;)

Dear Cracker Barrel, you make amazing biscuits and gravy and my husband loves you. Can you give me the recipe so he can love my cookin too?

Dear Ben & Jerrys, curse you for inventing phish food. That stuff is heaven in a carton I tell you. 

Dear sister, Im so excited for our sister date. We don't hang out just the two of us enough. I love your teenage dramatic face.

Dear Saturday, its going to be a busy day please let me sleep in. I would really appreciate it.


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