Tuesday, August 27, 2013

23 week bumpdate

23 weeks!! somewhere in the 5th month (depending who you ask lol). Every day I feel like the pregnancy is taking f.o.r.e.v.e.r. but then each week it feels like its flying by. Funny how pregnancy works like that. 

How far along? 23 weeks and 1 day
Baby's size? a grapefruit
Total weight gain: not sure, but that last week or so I can not get full and feel like I'm eating constantly. I have my next appt. on Friday and Im sure I will have gained enough to make up for barely gaining anything the first half of the pregnancy :(
Maternity clothes? oh yes...and Im totally ok with it. 
Best moment(s) this past week: My birthday last week, and taking Hudson to daybreak lake over the weekend. 
Miss Anything? energy still. While I do have moments where I have some energy for the most part I could probably lay down all day and be totally ok with it ;)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Meat. hamburgers still. I can eat meat as long as its on/in something. But I cant just have like a piece of chicken or something. 
Cravings: Cereal. 
Labor Signs: nope
Gender: little man
Symptoms:  Things have been better lately :) ....knock on wood....but I haven't had very much cramping/pressure/braxton hicks. I haven't thrown up in a couple weeks. Its been nice! But I'm starting to get heartburn. Here and there through out the day and once I lay down in bed its horrible! Thank goodness for tums. 
Belly Button in or out? in-between. Already!
Wedding rings on or off? off. :( I can wear it for a minute, but my fingers start to swell really bad.
Happy or Moody most of the time: mostly happy. But have my moody moment. still. lol
Looking forward to: Fall. I get to hot as it is, so being preggers in 95+ degree weather sucks. Im ready for boots and sweaters 
How is Hudson doing?: still being the best big brother ever :) He still asks about Porter alot. He usually names his toys Porter too. Its cute!

23 weeks! and feeling huge

My birthday :)

all dressed up for our friends wedding 

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