Friday, January 31, 2014

Porter 1 month old

*1 month on 1-16-14*
Baby boy!!! How in the world are you already a month old!? This month has flown by, it's scary! I hate how pregnancy takes for ever, but my babies grow up so stinking fast. Your first month of life has been lots of adjusting. Two kids are no easy task, especially when you both want & need different things from me. It will be a little easier when you're older and you guys can play/entertain each other.  You celebrated your first Christmas at just 9 days old. It was pretty hectic and we had a house full of visitors all day. This Christmas did seem a little rushed with everything though. I'm looking forward to next year when I won't be miserably pregnant or with a newborn so we can do lots of fun family Christmas activities! You already have a nickname, Porter-pants. You have been the prefect fit into our little family. You look just like your big brother too. I love having my two boys!   

SLEEPING: You are a pretty good sleeper! At a month, you're still sleeping a lot during the day. But your awake times are lasting longer. We get up 3-4 times a night. You are pretty easy when you wake up though, you don't usually cry just grunt and fuss a little. I change your diaper and feed you and back to bed we go. There were a few nights you would stay awake from 4am-7am. Just sat there wide awake. It was a little rough. 

EATING:  You are exclusively breastfed and are doing great.  You latch on good and eat off both sides (little piggy). You eat every couple hours. I feel like I spend a good majority of my day with my boobs out lol.  Breastfeeding was rough with your brother, so right now were feeding on demand to make sure my supply stays good. Once you get a little older I'll start trying to get you on more of a schedule. We did have a rough week number 2. I went to the doctors with early signs of mastitis. Got put on antibiotics, and were doing great now!

Weight: according to home scale you were 10 lb  4 oz at 1 month
Height: measured at home, you were 22 inches! 
Diaper size: 1
clothing size:By a month old, you were officially in 0-3 month clothes. Newborns fit for the first 2 weeks, but you are way to tall for them now. 
Hair: light brown with a reddish tint
Eyes: blue
  • You love to be held and cuddled
  • You hate pacifiers, just like your brother 
  • You really enjoy your bath time
  • You will sit in your swing/bouncer/on your play-mat for 10-15 min really contently, then you get bored
  • You had your first real smile the day after you turned 1 month (1-17-14)
  • You were showing signs of reflux, since Hudson had it we knew what to look for. Your on medicine now and I think its helping :)
  • You HATE the carseat. Unless your sleeping, you cry the whole time
  • You are a pretty good baby! You don't cry very often unless you are getting your nose cleaned out, or your sick of tummy time, or really hungry. For the most part your pretty content. 
  • Your brother loves on you allll the time. He tells us that we cant love you because he loves you all by his self :)
  • You have huge smiles in your sleep

Porter has also had lots of cuddle time with his grandparents
Porter & Hudson with their great-great grandparents! These are my moms grandparents 

The Boys great-great grandpa Robert. This is one of the men little porter was named after :)  I love him so much
Porter with his great grandma (on my side) & his 'grandma-aunt' shantell (my aunt)
Grandma Rhonda with Porter Pants

My mom and her grand grandbabies

This is mor-mor and far-far, Porters great-grandparents on Tanners side
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